Home Lifestyle Four Canadian Gifting Tips and Ideas

Four Canadian Gifting Tips and Ideas


As Canadians, we pride ourselves on our niceness and consideration, which includes remembering other people’s special moments and giving gifts when it’s polite. However, how are you supposed to figure out how to give a polite gift to someone you barely know or come up with yet another gifting idea after the fifth family birthday in the span of a few weeks? What if you have a visitor who wants a gift that represents the best of Canada?

When you’re just out of gift ideas, here are some tips that can help you figure out what to get someone, especially if you’re looking for gifts that showcase the best of Canada. When in doubt, you can always get Canadian gift baskets.

  1. Canadian Food or Drinks

In Canada, we are blessed with an amazing food scene highlighting the best of our vast wilderness. If you want to give a visitor to our country a gift that will showcase the best of what we have to offer, you can’t go wrong with food or drink.

Maple syrup is a classic Canadian gift, so pick up some high-end syrup in a fancy bottle or maple candy. If the person you are shopping for gifts for drinks alcohol, some natural wine or local craft beer is also a great gift idea.

  1. Sports Paraphernalia

Some national stereotypes are true, such as the view of Canadians as a nation of sports-obsessed people. Whether you are shopping for a local who lives and breathes hockey or going abroad to visit someone who wants a Canadian souvenir, you can’t go wrong with a sports-related gift.

Figure out your recipient’s favourite Canadian team and get souvenirs, ranging from an authentic jersey to a warm winter hat with the team logo. If the person you are shopping for prefers to play sports instead of watching them, a piece of hockey gear is always welcome.

  1. Crafts from Local Artists

When in doubt, you can always find a beautiful gift by getting a print or sculpture from a local artist. Not only will your recipient be touched by the unique nature of your gift, but you will also support local Canadian artists.

When looking at local artists and artisans, try to seek out indigenous artists from your area. Support First Nations or Inuit artists by buying paintings, sculptures, beautifully woven blankets, and other handmade craft items. Those are gifts that you cannot get anywhere outside of Canada.

  1. A Gift Basket

Canadian gift baskets combine the best that this country has to offer and are perfect when you’re indecisive about what to get someone or want to give a gift that highlights everything Canada has to offer.

There are Canadian gift baskets of all themes, products, and sizes. You can buy gift baskets that only highlight Canadian food, others that focus on art, and even those that focus on small businesses from a particular city or region.

These gift ideas can help you gift the best that Canada has to offer, no matter the occasion.