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LETTERS: Count the full costs, consult with voters before reverting to Surrey RCMP

LETTERS: Count the full costs, consult with voters before reverting to Surrey RCMP


Didn’t the previous city council get slammed for four years for their hasty, ill-considered decision to toss out the RCMP before they knew what it would cost and without knowing with certainty if the majority of the citizens wanted the RCMP replaced?

Isn’t the new city council doing exactly the same thing?

Seems like they have committed to a return to the RCMP without knowing what it would cost and without knowing if the majority of citizens want to do that, now that so much has been spent already.

Is it too much to ask this new council to do what is honourable and wise? Count the cost first and be sure you have the backing of the voters one way or the other. After all, we are the ones who have to pay for your deeds and misdeeds.

Without establishing some legitimacy and discernment before you take action, what is there to stop the next city council from reversing what you are doing now?

Gary Drouillard, South Surrey

Letter to the Editor

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LETTERS: Count the full costs, consult with voters before reverting to Surrey RCMP Source link LETTERS: Count the full costs, consult with voters before reverting to Surrey RCMP

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