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Paulina Gretzky shows off sexy mini dress at late-night photoshoot

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What’s behind a closed door isn’t always what’s behind a closed door.

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Just ask Paulina Gretzky.

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The model and wife of golfer Dustin Johnson shared a new photo of herself this week in a skimpy sequined mini dress paired with shiny silver heels.

The dress drops so low in the front that it’s almost hard to tell if she’s wearing the blue dress backwards, but a sneak peek behind reveals it drops low there as well. increase.

Gretzky’s Monday post, captioned “Out of hours” and accompanied by a black heart as a fitting measure, shows the 33-year-old mum of two standing in a doorway, eyes averted, arms framed. and one leg is bent to show off. her gorgeous game.

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In the second photo, Gretzky is standing at the bar. The wall is brightly lit with a neon sign that reads “The Johnsons.”

The counter next to her holds a bottle of Syncoro tequila, a cocktail mixer, and a ceramic shot glass that matches her dress.

The lights are dimmed in the third photo, with Gretzky leaning against a wall under a neon sign, followed by a final snap of everything she wore in a neat little pile.

You do the math, folks.

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Daughter of hockey legend Wayne Gretzky and actress Janet Jones, Gretzky isn’t the first to share her life and sexy fashion choices with her million Instagram followers.

Other recent photos include Paulina in a strappy bow top and a dump of photos of her in various but equally sultry outfits that left little to the imagination.

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Earlier this month, Gretzky gave fans an intimate look at her and Johnson’s April nuptials in a series of Instagram Stories, from the welcome party to getting a makeover to interacting with party guests. winter house Starring Craig Conover, Paige DeSorbo, Austin Kroll and Kid Rock.

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Paulina Gretzky shows off sexy mini dress at late-night photoshoot

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