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Martine St-Victor: We expect companies to speak out

Quebec’s new statistics on the pay gap between men and women should have elicited a reaction.

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With socks pulled up to their knees and maple leaves on their chests, Canada’s national soccer team made its FIFA World Cup debut this week for the first time since international competition in 36 years.

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The Mundial has been plagued with controversy since it was awarded to Qatar ten years ago. There are thousands of migrants who were subjected to horrific working and living conditions, and thousands who were killed during the construction of stadiums. There are also numerous human rights violations, including against members of the LGBTQ+ community.

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It turned out to be quite the moral test. Should each country send its own team? All qualifying teams traveled to Qatar. Should fans watch the game? Most of the time, it definitely will. However, such participation in no way indicates that they do not recognize or care about human rights issues.There are ways to participate and protest at the same time. For example, the Danish team has found that balance. The World Cup jersey is a solid red, white and black color scheme. The latter, the color of mourning, honors immigrants. “We fully support the Danish national team, but that is not the same as supporting Qatar as a host country,” wrote Hummel, whose brand of apparel made the jersey. .

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When it comes to injustice, injustice, and worrying social issues, the data shows that we want to hear from the brands and companies we love and trust. Their values ​​should reflect ours.

After the figures released this week by the Institut de la statistique du Québec, it was quite surprising that our state’s most beloved and iconic brand did not speak up. Its latest data found that, on average, a woman in Quebec earns 91% of her man’s hourly wage. In 2021, Quebec, like many developed countries, has yet to achieve pay parity. Is there such a thing?

Media reports about the Institute’s latest findings all refer to “progress” since the 1996 pay equity law was passed. It was designed to close the pay gap due to systemic sexism, where predominantly male jobs are paid higher than predominantly female jobs. Equivalent qualifications and skills required.

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But the situation is still dire.

Could it be that brands and companies remain silent because they contribute to this injustice? Some wondered why China won the Winter Olympics because of its abusive treatment of Uighurs. Some wondered whether Canada should participate in the World Cup. Sure, the concerns happening in our own backyards may not be on the same scale as what’s happening elsewhere in the world, but we can do something about them. are in a better position to

There are various reasons for the gaps reflected in the statistics, some reflecting broad social patterns. But I rarely signed contracts and never wondered if I could have made more money if I were a man, one of the reasons I’m so unimpressed by his March 8th campaign. Part will explain. Every year on International Women’s Day, businesses and brands here, as elsewhere, are quick to share social media posts about how amazing women are and how important our rights are. This glitz doesn’t matter if you find yourself still underpaid. seems very basic.

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The next World Cup will be held in 16 North American cities in 2026. Hopefully, by that time, pay equity will be here and it’s not just a law, it’s a reality.

Personal Note to Readers: This is my last weekly column. I decided to have a rendezvous once a month from December.

Martine St-Victor is General Manager and Media Commentator for Edelman Montreal.Instagram and twitter: Martine Montreal

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Martine St-Victor: We expect companies to speak out

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