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15 of the best live Christmas tree seeds (and which ones to choose)

Image from the article titled 15 of the best living Christmas tree seeds (and which ones to choose)

Photo: Paul McKinnon (shutter stock)

If you celebrate Christmas, you probably have a decorated tree somewhere in your home. As a child, the tree in my house was a dusty old artificial model that had to be assembled branch by branch. We always kept it in the basement and packed it in cardboard boxes. Was it a game of Spider or Not when you opened the box every holiday season?

At some point, my parents decided: real living tree Would be a more dignified option (which changed our yearly game to one of the squirrel family?), standing around the various parking lots with a grumpy man pointing at me for young eyes random pine trees.

But these trees weren’t random! And they shouldn’t be. In fact, you have a surprisingly wide range of tree species to choose from as the centerpiece of your holiday decorations.if you This year at the real Christmas tree market, here are the 15 best types. And many reasons to choose each over all other trees.

15 of the best live Christmas tree seeds (and which ones to choose)

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