DIOS Acquires Nemiscau-North Lithium Assets, The Canadian Business Journal
MONTREAL, OCTOBER 20, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Dios Exploration Co., Ltd.. (“dios”) (TSX-V: DOS) Nemiscau-North lithium battery metal properties A total of 164 full ownership claims are made over 9,274 hectares along the Pontax River, approximately 15 km north of the village of Nemaska Cree in the lithium-rich region of Eyou-Istochie James Bay, central Quebec.
This 927 square kilometers Nemiskai North The project is located immediately east of the LI-FT Power/Kenorland Moyenne Trend lithium claim and west of the Brunswick Exploration lithium claim. It is also located between Critical Elements Corp.’s advanced Pivert-Rose lithium project to the north, the Nemaska Lithium Wabouchi deposit to the east and the Cygnus (Stria) Pontax-Lithium drilling prospect to the northwest.
of Nemiscau North Lithium Claim Covers five significant lithium metal lake sediment anomalies (lithium that’s all 15ppm, max 28.8ppm) in combination with other unusual key elements useful (Cesium >2ppm, Rubidium >16ppm, up to 30.2ppm). These Li-(Cs-Rb) lake sediment anomalies are Boundary between granitic plutonic rocks/pegmatite and paragneiss/tonal gneiss along a future section of 18 kmThis claim covers a NE low magnetic lineament structure intersecting a 50 km long EW anomalous trend (lacustrine sediment >15 ppm).of Nemiskai North The claim also sits at the head of a robust southwestern glacial dispersal train that hosts anomalous benthic lake sediments that vary between 15-37.6ppm Li (&Rb) for more than 40-50km of downice.
Geochemical features are comparable to those of Pivert-Rose and Pontax-Lithium, with even higher values in secondary environments. Pontax-Lithium (lithium-tantalum containing pegmatite embankment) was discovered and successfully drilled in the range of the former joint Dios/ Supervision of Sirios Resource Exploration Project Dios Current VP Harold Desbiens P. Geo M.Sc.,
Field work is planned for these wholly-owned cartographic claims in the upcoming campaign. Lithium is a key metal in the universal fight against global warming. It is the core component of lithium-ion batteries used to power electric vehicles and for energy storage on an industrial scale.
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contact address :
Marie-José Girard, M.Sc., 43-101 QP
[email protected]
Phone number (514) 923-9123
Website: www.diosexplo.com
CBJ Newsmaker
DIOS Acquires Nemiscau-North Lithium Assets, The Canadian Business Journal
Source link DIOS Acquires Nemiscau-North Lithium Assets, The Canadian Business Journal