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Conservation Learning Center Receives $40,000 Grant to Improve Teaching and Research Opportunities

The Saskatchewan Conservation Learning Center has secured funding for two new Cold Frames, also known as High Tunnels. This will enable the center to improve educational opportunities for local students and provide more food security to local consumers.

The nonprofit, located south of Prince Albert, is one of four recipients of the $40,000 Peavey Industries Community Agricultural Grant. Learning Center Manager Robin Lokken said it was a surprising but welcome development.

“They had a lot of people apply. I feel like I’m hearing about these big grants that these companies offer. And who’s going to get these? Is it possible?” said Locken.

Over 200 organizations have applied for the Peavey Industries Grant. To qualify, applicants had to serve the “variety of needs” of his Peavey Mart, MainStreet Hardware, or community within 300 km of an ACE store.

Lokken said the two new cold frames will allow the center to start the growing season sooner and end it later. The frame works like a greenhouse, but without heat. You can’t grow crops in winter, but you can protect them from frost etc.

“The highlight of our school tour is getting[students]to visit our garden on the property, but it doesn’t grow much in the spring,” she explained. By the time we go outside, there may have been an early frost, so there isn’t much to see.By extending the season for crops, fruits and vegetables, children have a better chance of seeing things grow. will help.”

Local students aren’t the only ones who benefit. The center typically donates its produce to local food banks. The additional space and longer growing season created by cold frames means more produce to donate.

Local gardeners will also benefit. Lokken wants to turn one of his in Cold Frame into a community garden, but says he’s still working out the logistics.

“I don’t know how far someone in Prince Albert would be willing to travel that distance for a garden spot in the area, but we have a school program and many school groups have set up facilities. It’s available now,” she explained. “Then it is equally open to other local groups that can use it.

Education and community support are key elements of the Learning Center’s mission, but research also plays a big role. Lokken says their cold his frames are growing as the organization seeks better ways to grow foods such as fruit and peppers in states with fewer frost-free days than most parts of the world. It is said to be useful for gardening exams.

Locken added that he hopes to have the cold frame up and running by spring. They have already chosen a Canadian supplier who guarantees they have frames in stock.

The Saskatchewan Conservation Learning Center is located just off Highway 2, about 11 miles south of Prince Albert.


Conservation Learning Center Receives $40,000 Grant to Improve Teaching and Research Opportunities

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