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Consider the Upkeep Costs of These Trees Before Purchasing a New Home

Image from an article titled Consider the cost of maintaining these trees before buying a new home

Photo: Kai Moon (shutter stock)

When looking for the perfect home (or at least one available in your price range), there are many things to consider, from the walkability of your neighborhood to the school district to the condition of your home. itself.

For the most part, the condition of your front and back yards doesn’t necessarily matter, as long as you have outdoor space. But one thing many home buyers overlook is the trees that surround their homes.

Of course, they’ll notice them, especially if you partially shade your home or add curb appeal, but people don’t just see them as an asset, but the cost of maintaining the trees they have on their property. We often neglect to consider Here are some things to keep in mind about this often-forgotten aspect of home ownership.

How to evaluate trees on site

Having trees in your yard definitely has its benefits, but when you’re caught up in the process of buying a home, it’s easy to forget the fact that trees are living things that keep growing and changing over time. That means you can’t just leave them and hope for the best (well, Technically you can, but it’s a gamble).

When visiting a potential home, hHere are some things to consider about trees in your garden:

  • size/age: height and thickness of tree? How is the branch? Is there room to grow (if needed)?
  • position: How far is the tree from the house? If there is a storm or high winds, can the tree fall over any part of the house? What about the branches? Are leaves clogging gutters? Are the roots about to crumble the foundation of your house?
  • health: Does the tree look sick? Is it starting to rot?Can you do it Do you see insect infestations?
  • tree type: Does it produce acorns and crabapples that fall into your garden or home? Does it drip sap onto cars parked underneath?

If the trees in your yard look generally healthy and are in a location that does not pose a threat to your home, long-term maintenance costs Primarily, prune branches as needed. Depending on the size of the tree, you may need to invest in equipment to do the pruning yourself or hire a professional to get the job done.

However, having to pay a professional to cut down a tree tends to be quite expensive and should be avoided if possible. )

To better understand the types of tree-related issues that can arise, Read this direct description of a new homeowner’s experience with trees in her garden.

what to do if you are interested in a house

Let’s say you’ve fallen in love with the house, but have some concerns about the trees on the property.

One option is to bring in an arborist as part of your home inspection. If one or more trees are confirmed to fall, you can: negotiate the cost of their removal With the owner as part of the closing process.

Or, if the tree in question happens to pose a hazard to power lines, urban and/or rural energy providers Find out if your home is eligible for tree maintenance services.Different rules depending on where you liveFurthermore, it only applies to trees with branches in the middle of power lines. Other trees on site are your responsibility.

Consider the Upkeep Costs of These Trees Before Purchasing a New Home

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