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The right way to clean your fireplace

Image from an article titled The Right Way to Clean a Fireplace

Photo: Glebchik (shutter stock)

Ideally, you should have your fireplace thoroughly cleaned in the spring after using it at the end of the season. If you want to clean up before you do, now is the time to do it.

we have already talked How to clean a gas fireplace, but what about a wood-burning fireplace? Here’s what you should know:

How to clean the fireplace

As we have discussed in previous articles, it is important to ensure that your fireplace and chimney are in good working order before winter begins, to do so maximize heat Minimize drafts in your home. And having a clean fireplace is important.

Here it is how to clean your wood burning fireplace:

preparation work

Regardless of when you clean your fireplace, wait at least 24 hours after your last fire to make sure everything has cooled. Also, things get messy, so put a cloth or two (or an old sheet) down, wear clothes you don’t mind getting dirty, and wear a face mask, safety goggles, and gloves.

empty the firebox

Get a bucket or small trash can lined with sturdy trash bags. Start by removing large pieces of charred wood. Then uniron and lattice.

Use a fireplace shovel (probably hanging on an accessory rack next to the fireplace, but if not, any type, real or makeshift) A shovel will suffice) Scoop up the remaining ash And wreckage in the firebox. Then use the small broom and dustpan you have on hand to sweep away what’s left. Finally, use a vacuum cleaner to suck up any dust or other debris hidden behind and in the corners of the firebox.

clean the firebox

Then mix the cleaning solution. Also:

Pour the selected solution into a clean spray bottle and Thoroughly spray the walls and floor inside the firebox. Let it sit for 5 minutes, then add more cleaning solution if necessary and scrub all surfaces with a stiff bristle brush. Rinse the inside of the firebox with clean water and allow to air dry.

clean the fireplace door

This time, mix another cleaning solution. 1/4 cup warm water, 1/4 cup white vinegar, and 1/4 cup cornstarch. Stir until you have a smooth paste, then use a microfiber cloth to apply the paste to the glass fireplace door.

Instead of mixing that paste, some choose to soak a damp cloth in some of the old ash from the fireplace and polish the glass that way, but that tends to be messy and less effective.

clean other parts

Finally, clean the remaining parts and accessories of the fireplace: screens, irons and tools. If possible, clean these parts outside, in your garage, or in a deep utility sink.

If you’ve previously made a vinegar and water solution, you can use it to clean the remaining fireplace parts and accessories. Basically, just use a bristle brush, rag, and steel wool to scrub everything off as needed. Remember to clean both sides of the screen.

When you’re done, rinse everything off with clean water, let it dry naturally, and put it back in the fireplace.

The right way to clean your fireplace

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