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btcpay – LTC address derivation path from address and seed

Use BTCPayServer to accept LTC payments on your website. I have set up a wallet on BTCPayServer with the extended public key of the Exodus wallet. I received a LTC payment, but the payment was confirmed on the blockchain after the BTCPayServer invoice expired. No payment was found in BTCPayServer or Exodus wallets even after rescanning and extending the gap limit. Exodus uses m/44’/2’/0’/0/0 derived paths for legacy (non-segwit) addresses, but BTCPayServer generated a list of segwit addresses from the same extended public key when configuring the wallet . It is unknown which derivation scheme BTCPayServer used to generate these addresses.

The problem is that the funds are in one of the segwit addresses generated by BTCPayServer, but I can’t find any trace of it anywhere. I’ve tried wallet seed to configure with BTCPayServer and using Electrum with BIP 39, but no luck.

I have the exodus seed and public key. Is there anyway to recover the funds?

btcpay – LTC address derivation path from address and seed

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