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Breakenridge: Disgraced Calgary Councilor Chu Should Do The Right Thing

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as mentioned in These pages last weekthere may be a strong correlation between the Calgary City Council’s policy priorities and the rather abysmal approval ratings of both the mayor and the city council.

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However, there is another factor to consider. Arguably, the City Council’s overall standing has been undermined by the individual debasement of the ethics, integrity, and decency of City Council members. In fact, the current situation demands nothing more than his resignation.

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Its councilor is Sean Chu of District 4.

Those who are dissatisfied with the council’s policy agenda may see this particular councilor as a sensible voice on such matters, and thus extend him some forgiveness. It’s a reaction. Some things are more important and important than policy disagreements.

Overlooking these violations would do more harm, both in terms of damaging public confidence in elected officials and the troubling precedents set for acceptable behavior by those same officials.

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Before last week’s bombings, there were already lawsuits alleging Chu’s resignation. Secret photography of the mayor’s license plate In a safe city park—photos that eventually leaked to the public. Chu offered an apology, but since such actions are beyond the pale, the apology, as before, isn’t even remotely sufficient amends.

Even Chu’s current and former allies can see what this is all about.

Former alderman and mayoral candidate Jerome Farkas said: tweeted last week “As a former supporter, I cannot overstate my disgust. It pleaded with the minister to “act now to remove him or else be an enabler of collusion.”

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Craig Chandler, a prominent Calgary conservative activist and organizer asked Chu to resign, “No one on either side of an elected office deserves to have his or her personal safety threatened in any way.” He called Chu’s behavior “unacceptable on all counts” and said “no apology can make up for it”.

Whether or not Chu decided to take any of this advice remains to be seen, but the first signs are not favorable for such outcomes.

In the meantime, there are other solutions to this problem.

The Alberta government may still have a role to play here. At the Prime Minister’s Office, Ordered a new review about an alleged sexual assault involving a 16-year-old girl dating back to 1997, when Chu was still a police officer.

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Chu was convicted of discreditable conduct, but was never criminally charged with sexual assault. however, Investigation by the Calgary Police Commission It turned out that there was an error in the police response. Chu denies the allegations, but even the details of the incident being confirmed are disturbing enough.

This would be a drastic move, but the state government could theoretically fire Chu. That obviously depends on the outcome of this new review and may take some time to complete.

District 4 residents also have the power to fire city council members.

State voter recall laws allow recall campaigns to begin 18 months after the election. It would take him 60 days to gather signatures from her 40% of voters in the borough, which is a tall order, but perhaps the next best thing here.

But ideally the councilor in question would make all of this a point and do the right thing.

Afternoons with Rob Blakenridge airs weekdays from 12:30pm to 3:00pm at 770CHQR and from 2:00pm to 3:00pm at 630CHED. rob.breakenridge@corusent.com Twitter: @RobBreakenridge

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Breakenridge: Disgraced Calgary Councilor Chu Should Do The Right Thing

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