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Bright Lights returns on December 2nd.

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Windsor’s annual festival of lights returns next month with new features, old favorites and no pandemic restrictions.

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Following last year’s COVID precaution-filled Bright Lights Windsor, the free event will return to normal from December 2nd.

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“It’s going to be really incredible and special,” Mayor Drew Dilkens said Thursday when announcing this year’s version of the popular holiday light show in Jackson Park.

“This is one of my favorite events of the year,” he said. “Obviously, the pandemic has hindered many things we had to do as a family or as individuals. We are on track this year and it is very exciting.”

The Festival Pass takes visitors through several themed zones, including ‘Wish upon a Star’, ‘Winter Wonderland’, the new Royal Promenade honoring the late Queen Elizabeth II, and Santa’s Workshop. Selfie stations will be abundant.

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Rorison Industrial Electric's Jerrod Market is busy constructing a giant Christmas tree in the center of this year's Bright Lights in Jackson Park on Thursday, November 17, 2022.
Rorison Industrial Electric’s Jerrod Market is busy constructing a giant Christmas tree in the center of this year’s Bright Lights in Jackson Park on Thursday, November 17, 2022. Photo by Dax Melmer /windsor star

There is also an “exciting” new Enchanted Children’s Village where youngsters can write to Santa or participate in a scavenger hunt from the comfort of an inflatable igloo.

This year, we’re back with the Holiday Train, which was closed last year due to physical distancing, and the WE Made It Holiday Market, with vendor booths open every Friday and Saturday.

Gordon Orr, CEO of market sponsor Windsor Essex Pelee Island Tourism, said: “Holidays, nothing beats handcrafted and unique gifts for him.”

Tuesday will be “Silent Night”. The lights are on, but the sounds and strobes are muted to accommodate sensitive people.

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Residents are invited to the Bright Lights Opening Tree Lighting Ceremony on December 2nd at 6:30 PM in Jackson Park. After that, the event will take place every night from 5:30 pm to 10:00 pm until January 8, 2023.

Preparations for this year's Bright Lights will continue at Jackson Park on Thursday, November 17, 2022.
Preparations for this year’s Bright Lights will continue at Jackson Park on Thursday, November 17, 2022. Photo by Dax Melmer /windsor star

Although no pandemic measures are planned for this year’s event, Michel Stadegaard, the city’s cultural and events manager, said the organizers were “always willing to make sure everyone is safe.” We will adapt,” he said.

This year, Bright Lights was a finalist in the National Canadian Event Awards, nominated for Best Outdoor Event and Most Outstanding Event. For the fourth year in a row, it was named Best Holiday Event in the Windsor Essex Pelee Island Tourism Board’s Best of Windsor Essex Awards.

An estimated 100,000 people enjoyed the popular outdoor festival last holiday season. This is comparable to pre-pandemic attendance figures.

It costs about $500,000 a year to operate Bright Lights. The council approved starting in 2017, when he made a $3 million capital investment in his first two years.

Attendance was 60,000 in its first year, followed by 100,000 attendees in 2018 and 2019.

The 2020 event has been canceled due to COVID-19.

For more information on Bright Lights, visit brightlightswindsor.ca.



Workers at Rorison Industrial Electric are busy constructing a giant Christmas tree in the heart of this year's bright lights in Jackson Park on Thursday, November 17, 2022.
Workers at Rorison Industrial Electric are busy constructing a giant Christmas tree in the heart of this year’s bright lights in Jackson Park on Thursday, November 17, 2022. Photo by Dax Melmer /windsor star
Rorison Industrial Electric's Jerrod Market is busy constructing a giant Christmas tree in the center of this year's Bright Lights in Jackson Park on Thursday, November 17, 2022.
Rorison Industrial Electric’s Jerrod Market is busy constructing a giant Christmas tree in the center of this year’s Bright Lights in Jackson Park on Thursday, November 17, 2022. Photo by Dax Melmer /windsor star


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Bright Lights returns on December 2nd.

Source link Bright Lights returns on December 2nd.

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