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Affordability of housing is a top concern for Canadians

A study by Habitat for Humanity found that people believe affordable housing will solve many problems in the country.

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A new Habitat for Humanity survey found that affordable housing ranks top among Canadians when it comes to making their lives better.

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A poll of 1,501 respondents found that 75% indicated that more affordable housing would solve a range of problems in the country. At the same time, less than half of Albertans (46%) said housing prices in their communities were unaffordable.

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This compares to the national average of 74%.

Yet 8 in 10 Alberta respondents say they are worried they cannot afford to spend on food, savings, transportation or paying debts to maintain their current housing situation. .

By comparison, the national average was 78%.

Similarly, a Habitat for Humanity survey found that 40% of people in Alberta are worried about paying their rent or mortgage in the next 12 months, which is on par with the national average.

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By age group, Gen Z and millennials were most interested in paying for a home at 51% and 50% respectively, compared to 23% for baby boomers.

Ninety percent of all respondents say there is a shortage of affordable housing in Canada, with four in 10 citing lack of supply as the top reason. This ranks higher than other contributors, including his 40% of foreign buyers and 36% of homebuying investors.

However, more than half pointed out that NIMBY, not my backyard, was the main barrier to building affordable housing, with 71% saying, ‘People believe that affordable housing is the value of their property. We are concerned about the impact on our neighbors and neighbors.”

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Affordability of housing is a top concern for Canadians

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