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Letter to the Editor, November 20, 2022

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mother in election

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Mayors and the media have been aware for months that the city’s budget shortfall is enormous, as mayors created it themselves by initiating programs for cities under federal or state government jurisdiction. Ontario also needs relief from the federal government, so the mayor and the media have made no mention of this budget shortfall, nor of the potential for significant tax increases. recent local elections.

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Alan Redway

(Why do the hard work of cutting budgets and asking for more with higher taxes when it’s easier to just spend and spend)

Tory on the Walk Bandwagon

Of course, Mayor John Torrey would support renaming Dundas Street. He’s been in politics for a long time, and it’s easy to spot when you look at the trends. Wake up and cancel while you’re making your country proud. So hop in that wagon! But at the same time, it’s reassuring to note that the city is so cash-rich that it can afford to squander millions on this nonsense.

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Rain Richardson

(Four more years of this nonsense and local governments getting their priorities wrong.)

fire them all

Health Canada has said its top priority is the health and safety of Canadians and is exploring all possible options to end this medicine shortage. It’s a simple question, but when the opposition asks liberals, they spit out the answer for five minutes, and the question is never answered. I will not answer. They should all be fired.

Andy Mail

(It’s shocking that this is happening in our country in this day and age. It’s similar to the baby formula shortages the US is enduring.)

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wants and needs

On “Despite Outrage, It Makes No Sense to Blame Grocers for ‘Greed Inflation’” (Dr. Shouldn’t consumers be grateful that it’s frozen in place? And when it comes to corporate CEO form, we’re usually much more greedy. However, the fact that many people are denied even the basic necessities of life while maintaining or increasing already large corporate profits can undermine or harm the financial interests of large corporations. You can imagine that we need a large consumer base that is healthy and strong, not just very wealthy consumers. Or maybe the unlimited profit target/nature is somehow attractive, including the willingness to keep an already squeezed consumer base going at the same time. When it comes to unhindered capitalism, you can see corporate CEOs shrugging their shoulders and insisting that their job is to protect the ultimate interests of their shareholders.

Frank Stahl Jr.
White Rock, British Columbia

(in their heads they did their part so it’s not that complicated)

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Letter to the Editor, November 20, 2022

Source link Letter to the Editor, November 20, 2022

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