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25 best and most useful new macOS Ventura features

Image from article titled 25 Most Useful macOS Ventura Features

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I don’t know about you, but Spotlight is an integral part of my Mac experience. I use it for everything from opening new apps to looking up definitions and websites to finding files on my computer.

Apple has added some great updates to Spotlight with Ventura. You can now preview files using Quick Look by pressing the spacebar. This gives the file a much better look than the current preview window. But my favorite is the new Quick Actions. Run shortcuts, set timers, and Shazam songs right from Spotlight.

It also displays web image results for your query, so you can search for images of people, animals, monuments, and more. Speaking of images, you can use Spotlight to search for photos from various apps like Photos, Messages, Notes, Finder, etc. using keywords like location, text, pets, and more.

25 best and most useful new macOS Ventura features

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